Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Kind of Walker Are You? has this wonderful quiz to help you determine "what kind of walker" you are. Not everyone is the same and it's nice to know what your style and preferences are before starting a serious walking program. Regardless of your "kind of walker", you need to focus on the fact that you're doing this to help you live a longer and healthier life. Even if you don't like walking outside or on a treadmill because it hurts so much, start by working out in a local pool. Many community centers, health clubs, YWCA's and even some hospitals with fitness centers offer a pool aerobics program. You don't have to sign up for them if you don't want to but check to make sure you can utilize their pool when the class is through. Follow your daily walking time in the pool, and remember to mark your walking map distance to your final destination. Walking in a pool means less stress on your body and a great way to jump start your walking program. Follow the link above to find out "what kind of walker" you really are and go with it. Happy Walking!

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