Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Oh, my gosh, I can hardly believe that it's been so long since I posted. Not only that, but it's been so long since I really exercised. :-( Let me tell you that starting up again isn't as easy as it was a few months ago. It was a tough exercising day yesterday since I'm again so out of shape. I started with the Wii Fit, doing the dance steps thinking that that should be the easiest. Whoa, was I wrong! I started with the slow one and did pretty good so I moved on to the faster one and after being chided for not keeping up with the pace, I did it again hoping for better results. It did get better but it made me realize that I'm letting my mind control my body by saying you're doing the best you can. Thankfully my husband wasn't in the room when I was exercising because I thought, let's try the hula hoop. Okay, so I was pretty good at this when I was a kid, but I found out rather quickly that I'm not a kid any more. :-) I'm not giving up though because I don't want my body or mind to fail me when I'm aging.

I did the same routine today, with pretty much the same results, but I'm not giving up! Wish me luck!


  1. I seriously wish I'd seen the hula hoop attempt. I'm sure it was similar to the exercise ball attempt. =)

  2. Even funnier when I tried going in the other direction!
