Round and round we go, where we stop nobody knows. I'm sure that's what this little hamster must feel and I'm equally sure that if we do the same exercise routine day in and day out, we too will feel like this little critter. Changing it up is what I've read everywhere. Boredom will set in if there isn't variety, then motivation fades away and you're right back where you started. And we all know that when we are doing good exercising and watching our diets we feel good about ourselves, but as soon as we slip up for a long period of time we are in worse shape then we were when we started. Guilty as charged! I can't remember how many times I have started with all intentions of finally changing for the LAST time, only to look at myself 3 months, 6 months, 9 months later and feel so bad that I let myself get caught up in that Yo-Yo string. My motivation this time, and I'm praying that it will be the last time, I take that back, it WILL be the last time, is that I'll be 60 years old and want to be around for a very long time. Remember, even if you are doing the same old routine every day, it's better than not doing anything at all!
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