You would think by now I'd be used to slow service at the PO, well guess again. I walked down to the PO this morning, a 20 minute walk, then had to stand in line for 30 minutes before being waited on. They have 6 windows, and only 2 were open. The line was so long and speedy service is not in the vocabulary for these workers. After finishing at the counter, I literally started speed walking back to the marina. Thankfully our nice mail lady saw me and gave me a ride to the grocery store on her way to the ferry. I never would have made it if not for her kindness. Then it was off to the races in the store with only 15 minutes before the ferry departed. I zipped through there like lightening and ran back to Crown Bay dragging my bag and my fat a*# behind! Believe it or not, I made it with 2 minutes to spare! Yahoo!!!! One thing that it did impress on me was that I am more out of shape than I thought, so back to exercising with the Wii Fit tomorrow and yoga class on Thursday! Thanks for not letting me collapse God!
You need a helper. Preferably a young stud-like one with a car and a boat.