Is there a more relaxing arena for doing yoga but at the beach?! The gentle waves rolling in, the soft warm breeze and the quiet. As you can tell yoga class this morning was wonderful. We did a lot of abdominal and leg work and I'm sure I will feel it tomorrow, but today I feel fantastic! Sad news though, my instructor leaves island on Wednesday next week and the other instructor leaves mid May so I guess it's back to the DVD's. That's okay though, I'll still enjoy doing yoga. I tried the program on TV but the guy just goes to fast and I never really get into the pose before he has already moved on. I'll look for one that works at my speed and go with that. I have also been thinking about starting to walk/run. I found a wonderful starters program in the recent Runner's World magazine that I should be able to follow without killing myself. Sure wish my treadmill worked, I loved running on the one at the gym before they closed down. Someday!