You know, that time in your life when everyone around you looks and acts so much older than you, but yet you're the same age! Well, I think I'm there! Denial I'm figuring! :-)
I skipped exercising yesterday because I had a very large birthday cake to make (I know excuses). Today though I did do yoga and some strength training. The Wii Fit didn't yell at me, so I guess I did okay. Exercising to me is still a challenge to do everyday, but the more I do the better I feel, so I don't know what's holding me back except lack of motivation. I know I need to do something everyday in my mind, but yet I sit here at the computer or look at a magazine or watch TV and before I know it it's lunch time, then nap. My days seem to fly by, my life going with it, and I want to take responsibility for making my quality of life better and only I can do it! Wish me well!